Season of Change: The LDS Women Project

February 25, 2021

As the Mormon Women Project enters into its twelfth year, we find ourselves in a season of change. This brings new challenges and excitement. Most significantly, the Editorial Board at the Mormon Women Project has decided to change our name... (Read More)

Ends & Endings

By Rosemary Demos The Gospel Doctrine lesson 5 manual objective is “to inspire class members to follow Nephi’s example of faith and willing obedience” Our Objective To find individual application in the faith and diligence of the collective history of 1 Nephi.... (Read More)

He Will Dwell With Them, and They Shall Be His People

By Rosemary Demos The Gospel Doctrine lesson #38 manual objective is “to encourage class members to follow Paul’s example and be faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ even in the midst of trials and tribulation.” Our Objective To bring Paul’s hope of... (Read More)

Establishing the Church One Woman at a Time

By Rosemary Demos The Gospel Doctrine lesson #30 manual objective is “to help class members recognize that the gospel is for all people and that the Church is guided by continuing revelation.” Our Objective To understand how God guides us as... (Read More)

The Unifying Power of the Holy Ghost

By Rosemary Demos Gospel Doctrine Lesson 18 covers Luke 15 and Luke 17. The objective stated in the manual is “to help class members understand the joy that comes when we repent and when we help others repent.” Our Objective... (Read More)

Finding Ourselves in Parables

  — Editorial Board — Elizabeth Ostler Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Ostler is a Brooklyn-based theater-maker, specializing in directing and puppetry. She is the founder and Storyteller-in-Chief of Life’s Echoes where she helps people tell their stories. She is a multimedia artist... (Read More)

Atonement: Women of the Easter Story

April 2, 2021

Almost two thousand years ago, Jesus met with his disciples in an upper room. There, he broke bread and poured wine for his friends, sharing nourishment while telling them to remember his body and blood. After this meal, Jesus took... (Read More)

Hope: Remembrance, Contentment, and Looking Forward

December 14, 2020

In April of 1937, my grandmother was sitting in a restaurant with her husband when he suddenly collapsed. Ralph was 25 years old when he died of unknown causes; they had been married just three years. In that same week,... (Read More)

Grace: Greet the World with Grace

July 11, 2020

“Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ . . . ”[1] So Paul begins almost all his letters to the scattered Christian converts from Galatia to Rome. How different from the way I... (Read More)

God With Us

Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson #44; Ezekiel 43:1–12; 44:6–9, 23, Ezekiel 47:1, 6–12, Ezekiel 47:2–5. “. . . I spend much of my personal life trying to heal, which is like saying I spend much of life trying to get free–free from the templates... (Read More)

I Will Pour Out My Spirit

Gospel Doctrine Old Testament Lesson #28; 1 Kings 17, 1 Kings 18, 1 Kings 19. When Jesus taught about his own purpose, he frequently referenced two Old Testament figures: Moses and Elijah. These two embodied the Law and the Prophets, standing for the traditions that Christ... (Read More)

Being There

Gospel Doctrine Old Testament Lesson #15; Numbers 11, Numbers 12, Numbers 13–14, Numbers 21:1–9 After a long Genesis narrative of simple (or not-so-simple) family groups led by patriarchs and matriarchs, we read in the remaining books of Moses of a sprawling and contentious Israelite... (Read More)

Reading Rebekah

Gospel Doctrine Lesson #6; Moses 8:19–30; Genesis 6:5–22; 7:1–10; Genesis 7:11–24; 8; 9:8–17 “The shore is an ancient world, for as long as there has been an earth and sea there has been this place of the meeting of land and water. Yet it is a world that keeps... (Read More)

Welding Links

The Gospel Doctrine lesson #33; Doctrine and Covenants 107:22–24; “Preparation of Brigham Young: The Preparation of a Leader.” I often hear people say that the church is the same wherever you go. This is true for some of our more obvious... (Read More)

Truth & Belonging

The Gospel Doctrine lesson #18; Doctrine and Covenants 95; 109; 110; Our Heritage, pages 33–36  O hear, O hear, O hear us, O Lord! The Washington DC temple is situated on a wooded hill above the Capital Beltway. For drivers rounding... (Read More)

Timely and Timeless Calls to Serve

The Gospel Doctrine lesson #6; scriptures Doctrine and Covenants 6, 8, 9, 11 The Doctrine & Covenants is often described as a manual for the establishment of the modern church and its priesthood authority, but we can’t forget that many... (Read More)

Conversations in Plain Humility

The Gospel Doctrine lesson #41; scriptures 3 Nephi 22-26  Jesus’s visit to the Americas is a life’s ministry condensed into just a few brief but powerful encounters. The parallels between Christ’s actions and teachings in the Old and New World... (Read More)


The Gospel Doctrine lesson #29 manual objective is “To teach class members Alma’s counsel for remaining faithful in the gospel and to help parents understand how to teach and counsel both righteous and unrighteous children.” Our Objective To show how Alma’s... (Read More)

A Priesthood of Peace

The Gospel Doctrine lesson #18 manual objective is “[to] help class members appreciate the importance of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and stay true to their testimonies of the Atonement.” Our Objective To examine Abinadi’s discourse on true beauty. Commentary Mosiah... (Read More)

The LDS Women Project

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