This story is part of our Book of Mormon Testimonies collection.
Out of the thousands of books I have read, I love this one the most. I have read and re-read this text many times and learned new principles to apply to my current struggles every time. The Book of Mormon reminds me that God loves each one of his children, that Christ is the Savior of this earth and that through righteous choices, people can live happy, fulfilled lives in this life and the next. The best way to read this book is by keeping an open mind, asking questions, and praying about it. You can read Moroni 10:3-5 which is the Lord’s promise to those who want to know the true nature of God and His Gospel. May you enjoy this book and the truths it holds. It will change your life for the better.
Christiane previously contributed to our Tales of Return series. You can read her story here.