Messages from past and present members of the LDSWP Editorial Board.
45 posts displayed

Call for Essays: A Women’s History of Discipleship

As we study the Doctrine and Covenants and Church history this year, we invite you to share your perspectives as Latter-day Saint women. We hope ... (Read More)

Call for Essays 2024: Living the Gospel in our Contemporary World

As we study the Book of Mormon this coming year, we invite you to share your perspectives as Latter-day Saint women. We hope to share ... (Read More)

Fireside Series: Cherish – The Joy of our Mother in Heaven

“The doctrine of a Heavenly Mother is a cherished and distinctive belief among Latter-day Saints.” – Gospel Topics Essay “Mother in Heaven, The Church of Jesus Christ ... (Read More)

Fireside Series: Mandy Green On Divine Womanhood

Join us for a presentation from and conversation with Mandy Green as she discusses her research on the life and devotion of Mary Magdalene and ... (Read More)

Call for Essays: Perspectives on the Life and Parables of Christ

As we study the New Testament this year, we invite your perspectives as LDS women. We hope to share these essays to further enrich our ... (Read More)

Fireside Series: The Art of Rose Datoc Dall, The Faces and Figures of Christmas

Join us for a conversation with Rose Datoc Dall as she shares some of her artwork depicting Christ, Mary, and other figures of Christmas. To ... (Read More)

Fireside Series: Psalms in Praise of Christ

To coincide with our study of the Psalms and Proverbs in Come, Follow Me, we are hosting a virtual gathering to celebrate Christ through poetry. ... (Read More)

Special Series: Call for Psalms (2022)

We are seeking Psalms. More specifically, poems in praise of Jesus Christ. The poem can be in any style. The poem must not exceed 150 ... (Read More)

Fireside Series: Dear Divine Daughter

Join us on Wednesday, July 27th for a Fireside Conversation with Amber Corkin and Aubri Robinson about their new book, Dear Divine Daughter: Inspiring Stories ... (Read More)

Call for Essays: Perspectives on the Old Testament

As we study the Old Testament this year, we invite your perspectives as LDS women. We hope to share these essays in order to further ... (Read More)

Fireside Series: Heavenly Mother

LDS doctrine teaches that we are the children of a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother. Who is Heavenly Mother? What do we know about ... (Read More)

Fireside: Conversation with Melinda Wheelwright Brown

Join us on Tuesday, November 9th, 2021 for a Fireside Conversation with Melinda Wheelwright Brown. She’ll be discussing her book Eve and Adam: Discovering the ... (Read More)


I think the word foremother can be a noun or a verb. A noun, as in a mother who is situated before others, and a ... (Read More)

Pioneering the Vote: A Conversation with Neylan McBaine

Neylan McBaine is the author of multiple books including Women at Church and most recently, Pioneering the Vote. Neylan will be discussing Pioneering the Vote ... (Read More)

Collaboration with Refugios Fuertes

In 1996, statistics for Church membership indicated that there are now more Latter-day Saints outside the United States than within it. The next milestone in ... (Read More)

Atonement: Women of the Easter Story

Almost two thousand years ago, Jesus met with his disciples in an upper room. There, he broke bread and poured wine for his friends, sharing ... (Read More)

Season of Change: The LDS Women Project

As the Mormon Women Project enters into its twelfth year, we find ourselves in a season of change. This brings new challenges and excitement. Most ... (Read More)

A New Dawn of Cooperative Ministry

It’s no secret that last weekend’s general conference opened up new possibilities for cooperation between men and women in church administration. The two major administrative ... (Read More)

A Plea to Our Prophet

Twice, I stood in my Brooklyn apartment, during the Saturday morning session of conference, to sustain Russell M. Nelson as Prophet, Seer and Revelator (and ... (Read More)

Equality is not the End

Every talk touched me this conference. There isn’t one I would have done away with. In the wake of many flurried conversations over there being ... (Read More)

Book Review: The Witness of Women

Janiece Johnson and Jennifer Reeder. The Witness of Women. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2016. Thousands of stories in delicate pointillism convey the grand picture ... (Read More)

The Morning After the Miracle

Several months ago I gave birth to my second child. This Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Christ, I find myself contemplating not just ... (Read More)

Book Review: Our Heavenly Family, Our Earthly Families

McArthur Krishna, Bethany Brady Spalding, and Caitlin Connolly. Our Heavenly Family, Our Earthly Families. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2016. To be published August 22, ... (Read More)

Women in the Scriptures Jeopardy!

How well do the women of your Relief Society know the women of the scriptures? One ward in Sandy, Utah recently found out during a ... (Read More)

What My Son Heard on Mother’s Day

I’ve lived now through thirty Mother’s Day sacrament meetings. When I was a child, I loved these meetings because I got to walk up to ... (Read More)

Welcome to the new Mormon Women Project!

This morning, the editorial board of the Mormon Women Project said goodbye to the trusty site that has gotten us through our organization’s first six ... (Read More)

WATCH: Girls Who Choose God: A Live Interview Broadcast

We had a wonderful conversation. You can watch the video below or on YouTube. Please join us as we speak with Bethany Brady Spalding and McArthur ... (Read More)

Choosing God in the Americas

A book review by Elizabeth Ostler. My personal scripture study over the past year has consisted of reading all of the conference talks given by women ... (Read More)

General Conference: Feasting on the Words of Women

By Elizabeth Ostler Last general conference I decided, as my personal scripture study, to read all of the conference talks given by women since 1971. I ... (Read More)


Do you remember 1980? A quick Google search revealed that in 1980, affluent men were asking each other for Grey Poupon, prime-time television was asking who ... (Read More)

Your Part in the Process of Change

Last week the Church announced that the General Women’s Meeting will now be called an official “session” of Conference. We had earlier discussed the significance ... (Read More)

Emulating Millennials

Gospel Doctrine lesson #40: Enlarge the Place of They Tent encourages Church members to find ways to strengthen their wards and stakes in preparation for the second ... (Read More)

Lifting Together

Elder Wong, in this last General Conference, shared the New Testament story of the man stricken with palsy, who was borne on the shoulders of ... (Read More)

Individual Worth

Empowerment can be a divisive word. It is often assumed that in order for an individual to be empowered that someone else has to be ... (Read More)

The Decisions Made By Women of This Generation

Elder L. Tom Perry’s talk in this most recent conference focused on the need to center our families on the teachings of the Savior, to ... (Read More)

What’s the Big Deal?

Commentary on Saturday’s General Women’s Meeting has flooded the bloggernacle. Like many others, our Editor-in-Chief, Neylan McBaine shared on her blog some of the things ... (Read More)

Does Diversity Mean Disunity?

This past week the Mormon Channel released a video that has sparked a boiling flood of conversation on Facebook and many LDS blogs. Many women ... (Read More)

Truth Seekers

Our mission as Mormons is not solely to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ; it is also to be seekers of truth. Joseph Smith’s seeking ... (Read More)

To Prove My Love Before I Prove My Point

Emotions run raw around gender matters in the church. Some feel all is well in Zion, and accuse those who urge change of being presumptuous ... (Read More)

Our Stories

The desire to provide a place for people to share their stories of gender dynamics in the church and what steps they are taking to ... (Read More)

Sharing the Load in Gospel Doctrine

Women At Church stories are submitted by church members and shared anonymously. One thing I love about our ward is that (at least during the ... (Read More)

My Sphere of Influence

We each have the most power for good within our closest sphere of influence. The people whom we impact most profoundly are those who associate ... (Read More)

My Sisters’ Keeper

It can be easy for any of us to dismiss another person’s experiences. Perhaps our own experience has been vastly different from hers, or we ... (Read More)

Cooperatively Minister

The Nephites, after being administered to by Jesus Christ, “taught, and did minister one to another; and they had all things common among them, every ... (Read More)

Pioneering at Church

Today, we honor the sacrifices made by the early Mormon pioneers. They had the faith, courage and perseverance to leave all that they knew to ... (Read More)
The LDS Women Project

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